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Getting through challenging times

Challenges are temporary—but developing a sense of purpose and gratitude is forever.

Yeah, the last couple of years have been hard. Life's a journey, and sometimes the longest path between two points can feel like the most challenging thing in the world. Not only that, but the pain isn't always rewarding. 

Life can get complicated, but the experiences we gain in overcoming these hardships help us grow into strong, stable, and resilient people.

When Times Are Hard…

… It can seem impossible to see any silver lining. You're scared because you know pain, and maybe you think you're able to handle it. Sometimes the most daunting part is the unknown, so what comes next?

We thought we were on the up, and then came the Delta variant, and subsequently more variants. Now, we're all heading back indoors whether we got vaccinated or not. You're not alone; we are all facing this very same anxiety, it's just that some people seem to be handling it better than others, and that's okay.

How Can We Cope?

Humour and a light-hearted perspective sound like impossible privileges when the going gets rough, but these are two of the most recommended ways to deal with turbulent times. 

Have you ever heard of the phrase "don't worry about what you can't fix" or "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"? These sayings are commonly used when we cannot fix something or it’s all too gruelling or stressful. It's a way of saying that we will get through it, and it will be okay in the end.

It is essential to try to look at the bright side of things when we are under stress. It will not always be easy. Sometimes the stress is just too much, and we have no choice but to face it. But, even in these times, humour can seem complicated. 

However, it's worth a shot to look at the bright side.

Silver Linings

It can be a challenge to move forward, but you are resilient. Part of growth is coping with the most challenging things life can throw at you, so let's look at a few ways this pandemic has pushed us all forward into the future.

Focus On What's Important

Administrative professionals are known for their flexible skillset but the pandemic has shown us just how flexible and resilient we can be; we can still look for opportunities when we face adversity. Executive and personal assistants across industries and countries have begun to support each other, which has led to new and exciting relationships that likely would never have happened otherwise.

We've survived turbulent job transitions, missed opportunities, and other crises, but we've moved on. The pandemic has made us stronger, choosing to look for new opportunities rather than dwell on the past.

We've dealt with some significant changes, and we've all adjusted and will continue to adjust; however, we're resilient. 

We've been given new opportunities, made new friends online, joined remote groups, and connected with people all over the world through social media, games, and other outlets. 

Let's not forget how much new knowledge and skills we've gained, and we've been given new experiences and new things to appreciate. 

We have been given new opportunities to help others in ways we would never have done before. We've brought each other together to avoid grieving alone and learned how to share and give. 

We've demonstrated goodness and human kindness by donating supplies to foreign countries, by banging pots and pans in the streets for months to celebrate our health care workers, and by coming together as a community to support one another when one of our own is in need.

Think of the new opportunities we've been given to learn new languages, read and reread our favourite books, watch our favourite films, listen to new things, and discover new worlds.

We are all part of this group of all the people who survived the pandemic. This gives us a new connection, in our workplaces, in our homes, and across the globe. 

We are all in this together. Stay strong, and keep looking for that silver lining.