Articles for Executive Assistants & Admin Professionals

Our articles and blog posts serve to inform, educate, and support professionals in the administrative support field as they navigate careers, job transitions, and personal and professional development.

The articles featured impact our audiences through content that intends to inform, provide advice for professional growth and career development, insights into work trends, resources for increased work performance, inspiration and knowledge. Our articles intend to influence our readers in meaningful and industry-relevant ways. The content represents validated expertise and is vetted for accuracy, relevance, and plagiarism to uphold editorial ethics and standards.


The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

6 Executive Assistant Interview Questions & Answers to Prepare

Securing an executive assistant interview is a big step toward advancing your career. To help you excel, we've partnered with Tyler Griffin, the UK's top expert in EA recruitment. In this article, we cover six common interview questions for executive assistants, complete with tips and sample answers to help you prepare for your best interview yet. Get ready to impress and advance your career with insights from Tyler Griffen Recruitment UK!

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Beyond the Title

In a corporate environment where titles like Chief of Staff are often seen as the ultimate goal, the vital role of Executive Assistants tends to be overshadowed. This article delves into the substantial contributions of Executive Assistants, revealing why their impact on business success extends far beyond their job title. From strategic insights and operational efficiency to their pivotal role in crisis management, discover how EAs are not just support staff but key strategic partners within their organizations.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

April 24 - Celebrating Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative Professionals Day is a reminder of the essential, though often understated, role these professionals play in ensuring business operations run smoothly. It is a day to pause, reflect, and show gratitude for the silent but critical work they perform. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern business, let us remember to consistently appreciate and invest in the development of our administrative professionals, whose efforts are vital to the success of organizations worldwide.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Beyond the Desk: Evolution and Revolution!

As organizations recognize the multifaceted value that executive support brings, executive assistants have moved beyond traditional administrative functions to become integral members of leadership teams. Read how individuals are evolving and revolutionizing their impact in the modern workplace.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Inclusive Language and Executive Support - Take the Lead!

As an executive support professional, you are uniquely positioned to promote inclusivity within organizations. Find out how you can use your role to advocate for a culture of inclusion and help build career development opportunities.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Getting along with your co-workers

Delve into the power of building genuine connections with our colleagues and discover the benefits it brings to both our personal growth and the success of the organization. Let's explore a more thoughtful and meaningful approach to collaboration in the workplace.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

The Changing Landscape of Executive Assistant Hiring Practices

With businesses moving towards creative, innovative and forward-thinking solutions, the role of an executive assistant has taken on a new shape. Find out what employers are looking for in this changing landscape and how you can become an indispensable EA.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

How to Prepare for Empowered Decision-Making

Do you have a clear strategy for tackling challenging work situations and empowering yourself to confidently make the right decision? In this blog post, we discuss the strategy that will help you elevate your executive support service levels.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Evolve from S.M.A.R.T. Goals to Impact Outcomes!

Thinking about advancing your career as an executive assistant? Learn how you can use performance appraisals to measure outcomes that benefit both individuals and organizations. Get the most value out of your performance review with these tips!

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Propel your executive assistant career forward

Improve your executive assistant skills to break down barriers and propel your career forward. We'll share the techniques you need to take the initiative, sharpen up in areas of opportunity, and reduce bias to create a successful future.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

How to be a successful business partner

Get the best out of executive-EA relationships with these tips on how to establish trust, transparency, and accountability. Learn why collaboration is key and how leadership skills can help grow this unique business partnership.

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

What Do Executives Really Want from an Executive Assistant?

Looking to take your executive assistant skills to the next level and make yourself a valuable asset in any workplace? Our guide breaks down what qualities executives look for when it comes to their support staff. Get ready for success!

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Enhancing Executive Assistant Skills with A.I.

As a modern executive support professional, you can supercharge job performance by leveraging the powerful capabilities of artificial intelligence. Manage time more efficiently and unlock new opportunities to prioritize tasks - use it for faster workflow, better inter-team communication & collaboration

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

The future of Executive Assistance: Are you ready?

Technology is revolutionizing the workplace and transforming executive assistant skills and their roles. Find out how to stay ahead, what skills employers are looking for in professionals in executive support roles, and more!

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Interesting role or great company culture? Making the Right Choice

Thinking about what motivates you professionally and personally can be tough. But with proper research into the job and company culture options available, executive support professionals have a unique opportunity for positive change. Read more to find out how!

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The Global Assistant The Global Assistant

Developing advanced communication skills

As the workplace evolves to become increasingly virtual, effective communication has taken on an entirely new meaning. With hybrid and remote work environments becoming commonplace, navigating interpersonal dynamics requires a refined approach - one that facilitates influence through meaningful dialogue. The days of traditional communication are over and Executive Support Professionals need to stay ahead of the trend! 

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