How to Love Your Job

executive assistant loving life

You've no doubt come across the age-old advice of finding a job you love. But the historical records show that the best longstanding quote on this subject belongs to Confucius. It is a saying that has been repeated throughout history. In his words,

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,"

But perhaps you're more familiar with Maya Angelou, who said,

"…pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off of you."

The premise is the same. Love what you do.

The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. That's a third of our life in the professional sphere! Doesn't it make sense then to ensure you are in love with your career so that your job doesn't feel like hard work, day in, day out? By crafting your job so that your workday is enjoyable - even when tackling challenges - you are setting an example of being 'in charge' of your domain. To do so with a conviction for what you stand for is a show of great strength and leadership.

There's no template to follow that can give you step-by-step instructions on how to love your job. Everyone has different expectations of what it means to be in a job they love, so the considerations vary.

If you can't (yet) be in the job you're pining over, then it is good advice to try to love the job you're in because the bigger picture - your career - may depend on it! There are always lessons to learn with every experience. It's not that "failure" is not an option but more to the point - "fear" is not an option when adjusting the way we do things, trying something new or adopting a new approach. Fear can often be the undercurrent that undermines our confidence. Tackling the unknown takes discipline and a support system or network to help you achieve your goals.

Valentine's day is an excellent reminder that self-love is just as important as romantic love - if not more so.

When we reward ourselves, enrich ourselves and believe in ourselves, we can more readily build confidence in our abilities. But this journey of self-discovery and improvement needs guidance. Executive coaching is one such resource that can help you create the right experiences for your career journey. Coaching is a valuable investment that can reveal the most appropriate roadmap to fulfil your unique goals and career ambitions. You need not tackle this journey alone.

The Global Assistant is committed to career-focused professionals to help you make advancements in leaps and bounds. In honour of Valentine's Day, where self-love and enrichment are top priorities, we want to highlight our month-to-month coaching program. Executive coaching is not ‘just a dream’, it is as an important gateway to fulfilment. Check it out the Program here.

Happy Valentine's Day!


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